I am an Engineer with a passion for UX, Development, Automation & IT with the intention of creating new, and innovating ideas to solve common problems. I love being involved in the problem to be part of the solution. My specialty is finding the best solution for the end-user with the right software and the right tools.
I'm currently working as a DevOps & Site Relability Engineer where I'm developing new startegies to build Infrstructure as Code, Building CI/CD Pipelines, Automation Scripts and many more task
Please click and check my projects:
I have been working in multiple places in the Tech Field where I can demonstrate my experience.
Datashield, Utah
Google Developer Program, Utah
Google Developer Program, Utah
Celtic Bank, Utah
Cofffee.io, Utah
Digicert, Utah
Utah Valley University, Utah
SuperLumin, Utah
Now, I can assists you with UX Design, Automation, IT & Security, Mobile Apps, and Web Apps. Please feel free to reach me out at anytime, and I would be more than happy to help!
I can help you to design the website of your dreams & willing to help with new ideas for a new path.
I can help you to automate your day to day life by using code to make sure you save money and time.
I can help you to architecture and design your new app for the most popular platforms like Android & iOS.
I can help you to build and manage your Cloud Services to mantain your current code secure and up-to-date.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns and I would be more than happy to help you